A Novel Imaging Flow Cytometer Using Line Scanning Confocal System for Functional Cell Imaging

Abstract number
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Poster Session
Ani Augustine Jose (1), Annelise Jarman (1), Hanning Mai (3, 5), Jakub Nebdal (2, 4), Ahmet Erdogan (3), Conor Treacy (3), Robert K Henderson (3), Gilbert Fruhwirth (1), Simon Ameer-Beg (1), Simon Poland (1)
1. Division of Cancer Studies, Kings College, London
2. Occuity, Reading
3. University of Edinburgh
4. Department of Physics, Kings College London
5. Sony Europe

fluorescence lifetime microscope,  imaging flow cytometry, SPAD arrays

Abstract text

In this study, we present a confocal, line-scanning fluorescence lifetime microscope for imaging flow cytometry, which addresses some of the key limitations of traditional fluorescence-based imaging cytometry methods. Our innovative approach has the potential to significantly enhance the analysis of cell populations, providing not only size, shape, and morphological information but also vital functional data through fluorescence lifetime imaging. The system, featuring a 1024 x 8 array of single photon avalanche diodes (SPADs), offers efficient photon collection and incorporates fast timing electronics with on-chip histogramming for rapid photon event analysis. This allows for high-resolution imaging of live cells in a microfluidic channel and the ability to distinguish multiple colour channels via lifetime multiplexing. Our approach offers a leap forward in imaging cytometry, providing a more detailed and dynamic understanding of cell populations, with significant implications for both research and clinical applications in life sciences. We will exemplify the use of this technology to provide statistically significant quantitative data for analysis of a biologically relevant cell population.