BEXIS2 – a user-friendly Platform for Microscopy Metadata Management

Abstract number
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Poster Session
Ivan Belyaev (3), Martin Hohmuth (3), Aurélie Jost (2), Birgitta König-Ries (1)
1. Heinz Nixdorf Chair for Distributed Information Systems, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
2. Microverse Imaging Center, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
3. The Microverse Cluster, Friedrich Schiller University Jena

BEXIS2, Data management, OMERO, Metadata annotation, Rich metadata, Opensource tools  

Abstract text

BEXIS2 is a free and open-source community-driven web-based research data management system [1,2]. It is an extensible and customisable system that allows for the development of new functions and modification of its various components from database schemes to the user interface [3]. Initially designed for biodiversity data, it can be adapted to other fields. For instance, in the Cluster of Excellence ‘Balance of the Microverse’ [4] we are instantiating it as a meta-data management platform, which facilitates the integration of different types of data generated in microbiological experiments or collected in the natural environment. In this contribution, we will provide technical details on the BEXIS2 platform, and discuss our meta-data management workflow with a focus on microscopy data stored on an OMERO server.

The work is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany´s Excellence Strategy – EXC 2051 – Project-ID 390713860.


1. Chamanara J., Gaikwad J., Gerlach R., Algergawy A., Ostrowski A., and König-Ries B. “BEXIS2: a FAIR-aligned data management system for biodiversity, ecology and environmental data,” Biodiversity Data Journal, vol. 9, 2021. doi: 10.3897/BDJ.9.e72901

2. BEXIS2 GitHub repository:

3. The software features on the BEXIS2 website:

4. The Cluster of Excellence Balance of the Microverse web-site: