FLUCS micro flow photomanipulation: expanding the repertoire of interactive microscopy in the life sciences

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Poster Session
Simona Stelea (2), Susan Wagner (1), Elena Erben (1), Iliya Stoev (1), Moritz Kreysing (1), Antonio Minopoli (1), Britta Schroth-Diez (1), Catarina Nabais (1), Florian Huhn (2)
1. Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden
2. Rapp OptoElectronic GmbH

Cell Biology, biophysics, photomanipulation, cytoplasmic streaming, micro flows, micro rheology, temperature perturbation

Abstract text

Building upon a robust foundation of published research, FLUCS (Focused light induced cytoplasmic streaming) has emerged as a transformative photomanipulation technique in the life sciences, offering the controlled generation of microflows and local temperature perturbations in living cells. Numerous publications have successfully demonstrated its utility across a range of applications, from manipulating physiological flows inside living cells to probing the mechanical properties of cellular components. Notable applications include the inversion of PAR protein polarization in C. elegans embryos, rheology measurements in yeast cells, and active flow control in forming C. elegans oocytes.

Transitioning FLUCS from an optical table setup to a modular system demanded rigorous beta testing, a pivotal phase ensuring its robustness and versatility. Through a close collaboration between Rapp OptoElectronic, MPI-CBG, and Olympus Europe, we engaged in intensive beta testing to refine the FLUCS module, ensuring seamless integration with a state-of-the-art spinning disk microscope. This phase was crucial for achieving precise microflow visualization in cells and viscous fluids. Feedback from these tests directly influenced iterative enhancements, ensuring the final product met the high standards of the scientific community, marked by unmatched reliability and precision.

The new modular FLUCS system prioritizes ease of use and flexibility, catering to both experienced researchers and newcomers to the field. Key features include precise automatic calibration, user-friendly flow parameter controls, and integration into complex, multi-modal workflows. This ensures that even those new to FLUCS can leverage its full potential to explore and manipulate microscopic flows, enhancing our understanding of cellular dynamics and material properties at the microscale.

Moving forward, FLUCS is set to revolutionize cellular mechanics and intracellular dynamics further. Enhanced capabilities for chromatin deformation will offer deeper insights into genomic regulation. Improved rheology and advanced multi-particle positioning will provide a more detailed understanding of cellular mechanics and complex interactions within the cell. These advancements are expected to significantly broaden the scope and impact of research in cell biology.


I.D. Stoev, F. Huhn, N. Maghelli, E. Erben, S. Bundschuh, B. Seelbinder, C. Nabais, B. Schroth-Diez, I. Höfer, J. Peychl, M. Kreysing, G. Rapp (2022): FLUCS – Focused Light-Induced Cytoplasmic Streaming, Imaging&Microscopy, 2/2022, p. 22-24.