How Euro-BioImaging can support your research with access to the best imaging tools

Abstract number
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EuroBioImaging Update
Johanna Bischof (1)
1. Euro-BioImaging
Abstract text

Euro-BioImaging – as a European Research Infrastructure - offers all scientists open access to a large portfolio of imaging instruments, expertise, training opportunities, and data management services. The technologies offered by Euro-BioImaging can be accessed at Euro-BioImaging Nodes, which comprise more than 200 internationally renowned imaging facilities distributed across Europe. They cover the whole spectrum of biological and biomedical imaging, with a significant focus on multimodal and correlative imaging. In addition to access to cutting-edge instruments, the Euro-BioImaging Nodes provide expertise, guidance and training on all aspects of the imaging experiment - from experimental design and sample preparation to image analysis services, including on external data.

Euro-BioImaging has a strong commitment to Open Science, working with image data repositories such as the BioImage Archive and EMPIAR, providing tools for image analysis and management in ome.zarr, as well as offering image analysis and support with data FAIRification.

All scientists, regardless of affiliation, area of expertise, or field of activity, can benefit from Euro-BioImaging’s pan-European open access services and funding for user access is available.

For the technical experts at imaging core facilities, Euro-BioImaging provides a cross-European network and platform for exchange of experience, as well as new training opportunities.
