Intravital microscopy as a powerful tool to study leukocyte trafficking in inflammation

Abstract number
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Poster Session
Dr. Hellen Ishikawa-Ankerhold (1)
1. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich-LMU

Leukocyte trafficking, Inflammation, Infection, Tumor Metastasis, Intravital Microscopy, Multiphoton Microscopy, cell migration, longitudinal imaging, mouse models, transgenic mice

Abstract text

Intravital microscopy is a revolutionized high-resolution imaging, allowing researchers to gain profound insight into inflammatory processes within tissues and organ systems in vivo. This is achieved by enabling real-time and long-term high-resolution deep tissue imaging, while exerting only minimal phototoxicity. Multiphoton intravital microscopy (MP-IVM) combines several microscopic advantages, including (i) efficient tissue penetration of the infrared (IR) laser beam, (ii) reduced photo-bleaching and photo-damage, (iii) imaging outside of the auto-fluorescence window, and (iv) improved fluorescence collection efficiency, as out-of-focus fluorescence is negated. Consequently, MP-IVM has become the technology of choice for high quality long-term imaging of immune responses in its different facets in native conditions. The use of MP-IVM in combination with transgenic mouse models represents a cornerstone of our research into cancer metastasis, thrombosis and immune cell migration and functions in sterile inflammation and infections.

We established several intravital microscopy murine models to study leukocyte trafficking in organs such as the skin, brain, spleen, bone marrow, carotid artery, liver, fetal liver, fat tissue (visceral adipose tissue), collateral artery and stomach (gastric mucosa). The immune-biological mechanism underlying inflammatory diseases, infection and tumor metastasis was investigated with a great contribution of the unique and powerful MP-IVM imaging tool combined with specific newly established models. Development of therapeutic strategies in these conditions requires a deeper understanding of complex in vivo multicellular processes and depends on the state-of-the-art intravital imaging in animal disease models.



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