Platform for cryo-fluorescence with high stability and improved ease of use

Abstract number
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Poster Session
Martijn van Nugteren (1), Tiemen Smit (1), Arnold Kamp (1), Andrew Davies (1), Peter Grocutt (1), Clara Ko (1), Michael Schwertner (1)
1. Linkam Scientific Instruments Ltd.

Cryo-fluorescence, cryo-CLEM, cryo-SXT, correlative microscopy, cryo-sample screening, cryo-Super-Resolution, cryo-sample screening for single particle tomography (SPT)

Abstract text

Cryo-light microscopy (cryo-LM) and in particular cryo-fluorescence are techniques that can be combined with typically electron microscopy (EM), electron tomography (ET) or X-ray tomography to form a correlative workflow, combining data from complementing imaging techniques.

Small biological samples such as cells or protein particles can be frozen rapidly into a vitrified, glass-like state. This allows to obtain nearly perfect preservation down to the ultra-structural level. Vitrified samples are also naturally compatible with the vacuum conditions typically required for high-resolution EM.

Fluorescence imaging and the very versatile fluorescence labelling techniques can help to identify regions of interest and provide biological context. Because of the resolution gap towards EM and X-ray, cryo-Super-Resolution [1,2] is gaining popularity. This is also aided by the typically very low photo-bleaching under cryo-conditions compared to room temperature. Other applications of cryo-LM are cryo-spectroscopy, the preparation of cryo-lamellas for tomography guided by fluorescence [3], the pre-screening of samples for cryo-ET and the measurement of ice-thickness for single particle tomography (SPT) workflows [4]. A key parameter for the ever more demanding high-resolution cryo-fluorescence applications is the drift stability under cryo-conditions.

In response we developed the CMS196V4, our updated cryo-platform for fluorescence imaging which uses a novel continuous liquid nitrogen filling principle for the sample environment and the internal dewar of the system. An additional gain in stability is achieved by an integrated lens-heater system. We will discuss typical data from fluorescence beads measurements obtained with the system.

The user interface with touch-screen joystick is intuitive and we introduced a modular sample interface, allowing to configure the stage for multiple applications or adopting future sample-mounting standards. The CRYOARM cartridge system from JEOL has been added to the family of supported sample mounts as shown below, streamlined quick-release mechanisms for the cryo-stage have also been added and support more convenient sample loading.

Applications, workflow options as well as principles behind operation and design will be covered in our presentation.


[1] Danielle L. Sexton, Steffen Burgold, Andreas Schertel, Elitza I. Tocheva, Super-resolution confocal cryo-CLEM with cryo-FIB milling for in situ imaging of Deinococcus radiodurans, Current Research in Structural Biology, Volume 4, 2022, p.1-9,

[2] Okolo CA, Jadhav A, Phillips P, et al. Correlative imaging using super-resolution fluorescence microscopy and soft X-ray tomography at cryogenic temperatures provides a new way to assess virosome solutions for vaccine development. Journal of Microscopy. 2021; 284: 214–232.

[3]  Alexander Rigort, Jürgen M. Plitzko, Cryo-focused-ion-beam applications in structural biology Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Volume 581, 2015, Pages 122-130

[4] Mart G.F. Last, Lenard M. Voortman, Thomas H. Sharp, Measuring cryo-TEM sample thickness using reflected light microscopy and machine learning, Journal of Structural Biology, Volume 215, Issue 2, 2023, 107965