We have already made a number of improvements to the way we operate at the RMS. If you would like to hear more about our environmental activities, you can view the RMS Sustainability Statement.
Initiatives at elmi2024
Promoting the use of public transport
Choosing a sustainable venue, with excellent transport links - ACC Liverpool, Sustainability
Not printing conference material but making it accessible online and through the meeting app
Reusing existing event materials like pens and notepads, no new materials created
Where possible, using local suppliers
Including vegan options and sustainable catering
All bottled water in session rooms replaced with glass jugs
Recommendations for sponsors
We encourage all the companies who are supporting our events to help us by:
Building reusable and modular structures, using responsibly sources, sustainable construction materials instead of single-use structures where possible
Asking your constructors to create as little waste as possible and to recycle all pallets
Replacing printed communication with digital materials where possible
Offering sustainable and responsibly sources give aways
Choosing sustainable materials for graphics where possible
Limiting single use plastic throughout your stand
Choosing reusable, recyclable, or biodegradable packaging wherever possible
Choosing more sustainable travel options
Current Initiatives
Name Badges
All name badges at RMS events are now made of recyclable materials. We encourage all delegates to either recycle their badges at home, or they can hand their badge back to a member of RMS staff at the end of an event for it to be recycled.
No Single-Use Plastics
We no longer produce single-use branded items at RMS events, instead, we are offering existing materials such as pens and notepads.
We have reduced the amount of printing associated with each event, instead turning to electronic alternatives. This includes no longer providing a printed meeting booklet or resources, and instead emailing the resources out in advance of the meeting. Any printed materials that may be used at meetings is printed on sustainably sourced paper, and always recycled after the event.
The RMS aims to work with suppliers with clear sustainability policies. Octanorm shell scheme and panels are re-used, except where damaged.
Ideas & Suggestions
The Society is always open to ideas and suggestions in help increase our sustainability credentials, if you have any suggestions, please email Katie Reynolds.