Anna Fehér, Dušan Popov-Čeleketić
Workshop Room 10
KEYWORDS: fast confocal imaging, live cell imaging, deep imaging, REscan developed the second generation of fast Line REscan confocal technologies. Using Line REscan technology, a confocal microscope can achieve higher temporal resolution, and simultaneously reduce the phototoxicity, allowing long term live cell imaging. The combination of camera-based detection and the slit pinhole design provides higher sensitivity and unprecedented signal-to-noise ratio. At the same time, the sectioning capability of a standard confocal microscope is fully maintained.
The NL5+ delivers outstanding results in studying biological processes such as fast live cell dynamics, especially where high spatial and temporal resolution are required. It provides high-contrast images from thicker specimens such as organoid models and model organisms. By providing very gentle conditions for your live samples, NL5+ is the optimum choice for long time-lapse experiments and the imaging of dim samples.
Adding NL5+ to any widefield fluorescence microscope will turn it into an advanced fast scanning confocal imaging system. The flexibility in the choice of components allows you to build a future-proof, confocal system for live cell imaging.