Evanglos Sisamakis, Fabio Barachati, Max Tillmann, Johan Hummert, Marcelle Koenig, Maria Loidolt-Krueger, Ellen Schmeyer, Matthias Patting, Marcus Sackrow, Felix Koberling, Rainer Erdmann
Workshop Room 5
(Product presentation not a live Demo)
Recently, high-performance SPAD-arrays featuring few tens of pixels have become available. Combining these with suitable multi-channel TCSPC-devices enables time-resolved Image Scanning Microscopy (ISM). ISM enhances the spatial resolution and increases image contrast compared to standard confocal imaging. FLIM can provide additional functional information as well as extended marker multiplexing using lifetime contrast. So both technologies complement each other.
ISM produces images with a higher signal-to-noise ratio because no light is lost at a pinhole. Coupled with the high sensitivity of the SPAD array, this enables either image acquisition at a very high speed or very gentle live cell imaging with low excitation laser power.