Leica Microsystems
Ulf Schwarz, Luis Alvarez, Julia Roberti, Frank Hecht
Workshop Room 11C
The goal of scientific research is to understand the workings of nature. Given the complex interplay of biomolecules, molecular machines, and higher-order cellular structures, confocal imaging emerged as a fundamental tool owing to the optical sectioning, sensitivity, and the temporal and spatial resolution capabilities.
Imaging intricate cellular structures at nanoscale resolution while characterizing the dynamics of multiple species in the context of live specimens are emerging avenues followed to shed light on biological processes. With the advent of STED (Stimulated Emission Depletion), researchers have realized the visualization of intracellular structures at the nanoscale, unveiling insights into cellular behavior, interactions, and function.
In this workshop, we will demonstrate how our innovative TauSTED Xtend enables gentle imaging of live and fixed samples at the nanoscale. We will show how advances in our TauSTED1 approach to optical nanoscopy deliver cutting-edge resolution and image quality at low light dose, key to accessing fast nanoscale dynamics of cellular processes. We will also show how fluorescence lifetime information can be used for multiplex imaging of different markers, keeping the nanoscopic resolution.