Everything Extra-Cellular Vesicles! – Harness the power of ONi super-resolution expertise to characterise your EV’s with ease

17:10 – 18:10 BST, 6 June 2024 ‐ 1 hour


Franky Djutanta, Pip Timmins

Workshop Room 8

The Nanoimager is a compact and state-of-the-art microscope, offering quantitative analysis for localization-based imaging (dSTORM and PALM), single-particle tracking and single-molecule FRET.

The Nanoimager is designed to operate on a standard lab bench and has a footprint smaller than a piece of A4 paper, making it more accessible to researchers.

Exosomes and other extracellular vesicles (EVs) play key roles in cell-to-cell communication. EVs can cross biological barriers (such as the blood-brain barrier) and get internalized into the cell with a high degree of specificity. Thus, they are an ideal candidate for novel drug delivery methods and disease diagnostics. This workshop focuses on recent progress in fluorescent super-resolution imaging and characterization of extracellular vesicles using the Nanoimager and our new range of reagent kits, automated data acquisition and software tools.

This workshop is intended for people working with EV’s, exosomes, lipid nanoparticles or with interest in related fields.

Workshop attendees will receive a 10% discount voucher to be redeemed against the purchase of an EV Profiler Kit.

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